Starting back at school
The 2022 school year will start on Monday 24th January. We look forward to welcoming all our learners back to their new classes on that Monday with all their fees for the whole term!
Please remember, the uniform transition year is over: the old school uniform has come to the end of its long life. All learners must now wear the official uniform at school.
This year, we welcome three new members of staff to Mukwashi.
Ms Agness Phiri has joined us an extra teacher for the Upper Primary grades, and she will teach Social Studies in the mornings and the Catch Up Class in the afternoons.
Mr Nice Sichinga has replaced Mr Mwachiyaba, and he will teach Science and Agriculture for the Secondary grades.
We also welcome Mr Gift Chinyama, who has taken over from Mr Kaminda as our school bus driver and maintenance officer.