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Fundraise for Mukwashi

Our fundraisers

We are incredibly grateful for the people who generously give their time and energy to raise funds for Mukwashi by organising special events and activities. 

Here are some examples of their activities. We hope they will inspire you to organise your own special event.

 In 2023, mum in Milton Keynes, UK, organised a collection of new and used spectacles at her local secondary school.  Through this, 50 pairs of glasses were delivered to Mukwashi to help children and staff struggling to read  books and the chalk-board. 

Last year, teachers at the American International School, Vienna, Austria,  organised a used books’ sale  and other events to raise over €5,000 for Mukwashi. 

This year, a group of men at a church in Huddersfield, UK, fundraised for a year to send £2,640 for our borehole &  solar pump.

And Graded School, in Sau Paulo, Brazil, has raised $1,600 to pay for the first gas range in our kitchen.  

Each November, students at East Ridge Middle School, Connecticut, US, hold an apple pie sale for Mukwashi. Last year, they raised $4,000 just by selling pies!  What can you do?

Sponsored hair cut

used books’ sale

Current Campaigns

Aaron's hair cut

Throughout last autumn, a supporter at a school in Luxembourg was busy making a wide range of crafts to sell for Mukwashi at her school’s 2023 Christmas Fair.  She raised over €300 by selling the items she and her relatives had made.

She’s also part of a small group of parents and staff at this Luxembourg school who celebrate each others’ birthdays by giving gifts to Mukwashi. In 2023, their birthday gifts came to over €2,000: this year, they are aiming to raise enough to pay for one of our teachers’ improved living homes.